Thursday, April 3, 2008

Color interaction action

Colors interact everywhere. The colors of someone’s shirt will complement their eye color. Manufactures tint their beverage containers in accordance with the color of the drink. We associate the color blue with an Oreo wrapper in the seven eleven jus as quickly as the red on the Marlboro reds box.
The color interaction exercises we did in illustrator we simple but strange. I’m already aware that the same color can look different depending on what it is put next to but I was not used to purposely manipulating this concept just for the sake of example. It was interesting to see the same color “change” right there in front of you. Colors suggest certain moods and feelings when they are presented next to different colors. A Whale would look strange if there was a grey ocean…
Color interaction is a strange and mysterious thing. Colors are simply a collection of different chemicals. Each different color reflects one piece of light to reveal a color.

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