Thursday, October 25, 2007

This activity was fun. It was interesting and unique. Pat has some pretty fun ideas, the string activity and now this. This activity was fun because it allowed us to be free. We could make whatever face we wanted. What was interesting about this activity was that even though we were facing back to back we could use the mirrors to see each others funny faces. The mirrors made this assignment really cool. The further you got from your partner the smaller their face got. The fact that we had to make funny faces was really cool. When we were close the face in the mirror looked funny but the further away and smaller the image got in your own mirror the funnier it got. Pat was my partner. She mimicked every face that i made. It got really hard to keep a straight face the smaller and smaller the image of Pat got in my mirror. Trying to make funny faces when an increasingly smaller image of the same funny faces that you are making is really hard.

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